Saturday, June 28, 2008

Downtown Phoenix's new icon

The Janet Echelman "Sky Bloom" artwork that will soon grace the new downtown Phoenix Civic Space is going to look amazing and, I predict, will be an image that will define the city on postcards and in movie and TV scenes. Look carefully at the lower-center of the picture above (or click to enlarge), and you can see the ring on which the remainder of the artwork will be installed. It is huge, and this is going to be huge.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

The Downtown Phoenix Partnership just doesn't get it

Does the Downtown Phoenix Partnership just enjoy publicly demonstrating its irrelevance?

I'm not sure how else to explain the DPP's move this week to (finally) abandon the ridiculous "Copper Square" brand name-- only to announce plans to pick another name to replace Copper Square.

Just what we need: another nickname for downtown that no one will ever use.

Here's a thought for the DPP: save your money. Or, if you've got $100K to blow on downtown, how about fixing some of the narrow and cracked sidewalks, providing shade, or adding some bike paths somewhere? But don't waste your members' money on renaming a place that already has a name-- downtown Phoenix.