Thursday, July 15, 2010

Indy film in downtown Phoenix?

Who knows how legitimate it is, but a pretty provocative tweet went out today about an independent movie theatre and bar opening in late 2010 on Second Street just south of Roosevelt Street. For years locals have said that the demographics were right for such a venture, so let's hope this comes together. Mrs. Downtown_resident and I are in for sure.


Anonymous said...

Hi -- and thanks for the post about our upcoming film venue! I'm the owner of FilmBar and just wanted to take a second to verify that we are, indeed, coming. We've had a lot of positive feedback regarding our plans and are excited to to become part of the great and growing downtown Phoenix scene. See you in November!

downtown_resident said...

Kelly, thanks for your comment and we're really glad you're opening downtown. A couple questions-- do you have a target date to open? What type of films can we expect? And do you have your prices determined? Thanks in advance...